Monday, December 29, 2008

Dorie likes to play with other dogs!!


Kevin and Becky said...

Your dog looks to have quite a bit of pep in her. Lets just hope she knows how to lick the floor.


The Young Family said...

See, she wants to be friends with Reagan and Maddie

Shannon said...

She's too quick for Woogie, but you'll have to bring her down to visit Cali - I bet they'd have some fun!

Chris & Sarah Peek said...

So I think little Dorie won the fight--the big dog was definitely on the defensive in the chase! I didn't realize you were getting a guard dog!

Shannon said...


White Elephant Christmas

White Elephant Christmas
Guess who? Chris, Sarah, Anne, Shannon and Marcus

Mother, Kevin, Becky, Chris, Sarah and Anne

Terra, Matt, and Gary